
Tuesday, August 17, 2010

{trends} breakfast

everyone knows that breakfast is the most important meal of the day but have you ever considered it as a theme for your wedding or engagement shoot?

loving the 
pancakes, hankie garland with retro alarm clock....

breakfast buffet sitting on top of an vintage dresser with jars filled with crispy bacon...

breakfast in the meadow...

wouldn't delicious fromage blanc and homemade granola make the perfect wedding favor?

so what do you think of this trend? love it or not so much?


  1. ;) actually this is my favorite meal so i have to say... I LOVE this!!! Great post! xo

  2. i love breakfast and the hankies hanging on the line are really cute!

  3. Sometimes I have pancakes for dinner - clearly I LOOOOVE breakfast! Love this idea for an engagement shoot.

  4. The fresh blooms in that yellow ice crusher are TOO cute!

  5. I LOVE this trend. It's so fresh and beautiful.

  6. Absolutely! Especially with the way YOU put it together! This inspiration is incredible!

    By the way, my comment verification code was SNOOKIE!!!!!

  7. I love this post! Breakfast food is the best and I'm loving the inspiration. The retro alarm clock and the scale... perfect details! I'm a vintage loving girl! Details like that make me swoon!

  8. okay, not just because we were in it, but we LOVE breakfast for dinner...we call it BRINNER (because Turk called it that when carla made it for him on scrubs)
    i could eat it ANY time of day and I wish we had done it at our wedding! I would be JAZZED if I went went to a wedding with it: bring on the bacon, eggs and pancakes please!

    great collection, girl! :)


  9. My fiance is obsessed with pancakes and french toast - he would totally love this! And IIII love that egg shot!

  10. sweet nuggets! i love breakfast food ANYTIME of the day. used to cook pancakes for dinner. :)

  11. Chris this is AWESOME! I am not a breakfast eater in the morning...I usually don't eat until about 2 pm...weird I know! But I do LOVE breakfast for lunch or dinner! Great inspiration here...Love this post!


  12. Though I'm not much of a breakfast girl, these breakfast themed sessions are A-DOR-A-BLE! I love them:)

  13. Thanks for including our shoot on this gorgeous post! I am a HUGE breakfast fan and LOVE the idea of incorporating it into a wedding or rehearsal!

  14. Love love LOVE this! My fave is the pancakes. I love breakfast!!

  15. Sign me up, these colors are so inspiring!

  16. this just gave me some inspiration for an engagement session im doing in december in Vieques, Puerto Rico!!! the couple is camping out and now im thinking a sunrise shoot would be amazing!!

    great job!!

  17. i think breakfast never looked so good!! :)

  18. thanks everyone...glad to hear that i'm not the only one who has breakfast for dinner too.. you are all amazing xo

  19. Yep another huge breakfast fan here - best meal of the day - especially French Toast & fried banana! And this way your celebration lasts all day long - talk about making the most of your wedding day!
