
Friday, February 17, 2012

{happy friday}

Hi friends! Happy Friday! It's been one of those weeks. I have a new and huge project at work that is eating up all my time and energy. I'm curious to hear how other bloggers manage to maintain their blog along with work, family and life. I barely manage to keep my head up float. Regardless of how tired I am I can't get enough of some awesome wedding pretties.  How amazing is that photo above? Love it! 

Here are my faves of the week...


  1. Happy Friday, Chris! Hope you have a fun weekend planned!

  2. Hmmm I don't think I need to tell you how I cope... cause half the time I don't :-) Have a super weekend xo Get some rest!!

  3. Gah–I feel your pain! I try to write all my posts in advance, so I don't have to feel guilty that I'm not posting until 9pm and John is pouting. And I've learned to limit myself when I'm at home, so no one feels neglected–including me or my bathing!

  4. It is ridiculous sometimes...especially when I do a photoshop post. But I'm addicted. I work part-time and during my daughter's naps I usually blog and then again in the evening while I'm cooking dinner! I multi-task! Haha.

  5. happy friday!!! I don't really keep up. I just wander in and out of blog land as I can xox

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